Pigeons navigate less accurately when the earth’s magnetic field is disturbed.
Pigeons navigate less accurately when the earth’s magnetic field is disturbed.
Agalwood incense could make you feel calm, also can purify our magnetic field.
Definition form Wikipedia: A degauss causes a magnetic field to oscillate rapidly, with decreasing amplitude.
The principle of the atom lens using a hexapole magnetic field and its aberration has been discussed.
Objective: To investigate the effect of transrectal heat rotating magnetic field in the treatment of obstinate hemospermia.
A uniform magnetic field acts perpendicular to the porous surface which absorbs the micropolar fluids with a suction velocity varying with time.
Magnetic field measurement technology is a important means inresearching the magnetism and related physical phenomenon andgradually forms a branch of swaraj science.
Applying basic magnetofluiddynamic theory, the author analyzes the model flowing in plasma sheath under the combined action of magnetic and electric field.
It was analyzed and calculated through final element analysis (FEA) and the profiles of tile magnetic field and corves of magnetization were plotted.
This became possible by a complete new magnetic system, were the voice coil is underhung and always working in the homogeneous magnetic field.
A method is proposed to exactly diagonalize the Hamiltonian of a N-layer quantum dot containing a single electron in each dot in arbitrary magnetic fields.
This article is introductions of subfebrile diagnosic and pulse magnetic field therapy for malignant tumour with a Humanbody Energy Detector and a Pulse Magnetic Field Therapy Instrument.
Based on the idea of magnetic strain, the model of magnetic strain was used to analysis the magnetoelastic buckling of cantilevered ferromagnetic plate in transverse magnetic field.
When the circuitry takes the form of two or three wires running in parallel, the magnetic field forms a tubelike trap along which the atoms can move freely.
The gain characteristics of the collective free electron laser operating in a superradiant amplifier have been studied through the variation of the interaction length and pumping magnetic field.
The maximum of B along elevation direction is closely under the central section of coil.The B of equiamplitude magnetic field is increased by increasing of the output current ...
A lot of epidemiology consider to discover, expose in more than 2 fine long hair gauss (electromagnetic wave unit of measurement) the person in magnetic field, meet with cancered risk is higher.